
Showing posts from May, 2022

Berkembang Bersama Himakom UP: Lokatara

    Disclaimer: pardon, this article contains a confusing language (Indonesia-English) Oh, welcome readers!<3 it’s been forever since I wrote for this blog, and there’s a lot of things happens in these past couple years. As u guys know, pandemic hit all over the world and some of you may find new hobbies, activities or a new habbit. So am I, after pandemic trying to popped my bubble (or u can call it comfort zone). Long-short story, I joined Himakom (himpunan mahasiwa ilmu komunikasi) Universitas Pertamina. Dan banyak banget pengalaman selama kurang lebih setahun menjadi salah satu anggota himakom yang sebelum-sebelumnya belum pernah gue alamin dan menjadi hal yang baru di hidup gue. Awalnya ragu banget buat daftar hima, karena my mbti type is INFJ (yes of course, I’m an introvert), and I prefer not to over socialize cause it would drain so much my energy. But again, it was because of the pandemic, sering ngerasa bosen banget kalo cuman kuliah-nonton film/drakor-tidur...